Minority Studies: Language and Identity

Loewe Exzellente Forschung für Hessens Zukunft

Minority Studies: Language and Identity
01.01.2020 – 12.31.2024

The LOEWE focus “Minority Studies: Language and Identity” develops an interdisciplinary study of the problem of identity formation among minorities. For this purpose, we investigate three types of relations:

  • the relationship between minorities “in their own country” and minorities “abroad”;
  • the relationship between self-perception and the perception of minorities by others (both “in their own country” and “abroad”); and
  • the reciprocal relationship between the identity-determining parameters of language, religion, culture and ethnos, in self-perception and foreign perception “in one’s own country” and “abroad”


Hebräische Poesie im Mittelalter

Liturgical Language and Identity: Hebrew Poetry in the Middle Ages

Description As a regularly repeated ritual, the liturgy consolidates identity as a minority without influencing interactions with the majority in…

Völkerrecht als Instrument

International law as an instrument for the social integration of “new minorities” while preserving their independent identity.

Description Current international law does not adequately cover the special situation of immigrants who have been resident for a long…

Multimodale Netzwerke

Minority languages in multimodal networks

Description The sub-project investigates the hypothesis that the self-perception or perception of others by minorities is positionally determined by role…

Soziale Identität und soziale Distanzen

Language use, social identity and social distances

Description Social factors such as age, educational level and social status affect the speech communication, both in in-group and out-group…

Sprachliche Integration

Ethnic minorities and linguistic integration at primary schools in Germany

​Description Abstract The subproject focuses on the linguistic integration processes of newly immigrated children from minority groups of the Middle…


Minorities between island formation and networking – life in the field of tension between “old” and “new” minorities

Description Migrants try to group and reorganize themselves in the diaspora, which can lead either to local “island construction” or…


Conference - Language, society & identity in diverse ethnolinguistic contexts, June 2023 in Frankfurt

Conference – Language, society & identity in diverse ethnolinguistic contexts, June 2023 in Frankfurt

Language, society & identity in diverse
ethnolinguistic contexts

News about LOEWE projects in the region of Hesse

News about LOEWE projects in the region of Hesse

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Nomination of Dr. Prof'in Gholami as Goethe Fellow

Nomination of Professor Gholami as Goethe Fellow

The Presidential Board of the Goethe University has decided to nominate Prof. Dr. Gholami as a Goethe Fellow at the Forschungskolleg from 01.04.2023. As a Goethe Fellow, Mrs Gholami will become a member of the research community at the Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften.


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